Baer, Crystal
Thanks for helping us by updating your records.
Having this page current this year, and years to come is the best and
most likely
the ONLY way we will contact you for this and future reunions so.. keep
it current. You can update any or all of the
3 fields below.
Enter in what you'd like and click on the UPDATE button at the bottom of
the page.
Then go back to main screen and see that it updated correctly.
If there's nothing to update, still hit the UPDATE button and it will update the date you last ok'd it.
Feel free to come back here and update this again if things change.
Thanks again, we're looking forward to seeing YOU!
Best eMail address (read most regularly )
2) Email Verification.
I know it sounds silly, but put a
YES, (not your email but just a Yes)
here if the email address above is
the best one for you for our 45th reunion.
3) This is the bit complicated one: because it comes in three parts. Look for the (Parenthesis)
(Number 1:) Will you be attending
any part of the 2020 45th Reunion?
Looking for a Yes or No or Maybe or Still Planning. (Then B) what's the
best number to get in contact with you should there be last minute changes.
and then (Lastly) do you do facebook?.... That's the three of it...
A satisfactory combo answer would be Attend=Maybe Cell=(252) 212-1232 and Facebook=No
-----------------This is the new items we put up in August so we can get a good count --------------------------------------
-----------------You can Skip these last 2 for now. but come back and visit us in August ------------------------------------------
To help us get an accurate count for our FRIDAY Night 72-78 Class Mingle choose a number from the list and enter it in the box below. (This is not a commitment.. just an indication for our planning. You can always come back an update it later.)
0 = I don't plan to attend on Friday Night
1 = I plan to attend but won't be bringing a hot date or my spouse. (not that they have to be 2 different people)
2 = I plan to attend Friday night and will be bringing someone along with me.
Enter or change your Friday number here.
To help us get an accurate count for our SATURDAY Night Class of 75 specific party choose a number from the list and enter it in the box below. (This is not a commitment.. just an indication for our planning. You can always come back an update it later.)
0 = I don't plan to attend on Saturday Night
1 = I plan to attend Saturday night and I will not be bringing anyone with me.
2 = I plan to attend Saturday night and will be bringing someone along with me.
Enter or change your Saturday number here.