Hello,  glad you made it here,

As you may know I was a big RFKj fan to begin with to promote a 3 party system.  However as reality becomes clearer (and I don't even know if RFKj is on the Colorado Ballot) I know I have to make a choice between two flawed candidates.  (I know because I'm flawed too) I came across this IPV grid (Issues: Policies & Values) and found it thought provoking.  I put in several IPVs that are signicant to me.  My hope is that you would take the time to fill this out (in part or in whole), and my promise is if you share yours with me I'll share mine back.  All in utmost confidence of course (they will be forever deleted 11/10), I hope to remove names so I can read the results around Oct 15 and make a decision void of personality.

I have only sent "one" of these to a variety of 15 family groups, friend groups, or social media groups from a spectrum of perceived IPVs, so you are "Chosen" but do not feel obligated to get this back to me by 10/10 (but I hope you do return it). I will read through them to make a better decision around 10/15.   You do not have to stick to the Word (docx) format although it will work in Google docs.  You can do it in an email down the page, or any word processor you like as long as it is in a common enough format that I can read. The issues are down the left hand side, you can add your own if that's helpful, and then what do you think the policy or if no clear policy what do you think the views are for the next 2 columns. I'm not looking for your personal opinion of each issue, I'm looking for what you perceive the candidates/party policy/view is on that issue. In a perfect world your vote would go with the candidate/party who most supported your opinion on each issues.

Thanks for considering it.  As the person I received my IPV from recommended, clarifying questions will be very sparse, simply put down what you know, what you are thinking, what is important to you.

Thanks, hope to hear back from you by 10/10, if you respond I'll send mine back by 10/25.

a.c.kerman75@gmail.com  or  253/939.8070 text&WhatsApp

Download the IPVgrid.docx word file,